Friday, August 17, 2007


WOW. So we already feel like a family here! We all met at North Point and then drove up to Elijay where we ate and then continued in a ton of cars to Camp Highland. We got there and I noticed all the BigStuf interns were here as well. At times we mix with them, but we mostly stick to our groups. Last night we did a few high-ropes stations...really just one because it was close to midnight. It was a freefall thing where they pull you up and you let go, drop, and then swing. It was fun. I was one of the first to go, so after I got done I sat and yakked for awhile. We then got around a bonfire, roasted marshmallows and told stories about raising money and our expectations. It was amazing to hear of all the ways God handled raising the money. After the bonfire we came back to our cabins. They are really just platforms with walls on both sides, a roof, and two open ends. I slept okay.
So now we've just got done with breakfast and about to go to training.

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